Over the last 25 years, Denis BLanchet has designed, managed and contributed to numerous vibro-acoustics international projects across several industries. He has published numerous technical papers on a wide variety of industry applications such as windnoise, speech intelligibility, sound package modeling and optimization, cabin noise, underwater sound radiation...
Contact usDenis completed a Mastre's degree in Vibro-Acoustics from University of Sherbrooke, Canada. It was sponsered by Bombardier and focussed on the optimization of engine mounts based on driver's perception.
Denis joined Vibro-Acoustics Sciences (Vasci), editor of "AutoSEA" and managed the "Automotive Center of Excellence". He contributed to the adoption of SEA method by several automotive manufacturers in USA and Japan.
Meanwhile, ESI Group bought Vasci and Denis was promoted to VA Product Manager. He contributed to the integration of various VA modelling methods such as FEM, BEM, PEM, in AutoSEA2 now called VA One.
Denis Blanchet moved to Munich where he built an international consulting team of 9 engineers. It would serve the German market and be a hub for other ESI Group subsidiaries needing help with consulting activities.
Promoted to Worldwide Business Develeopper for Vibro-Acoustics. Denis has contributed to the recent success and rapid growth of ESI VA solutions through personal customer visits, conferences, Special Interest Groups and User's forum.
Denis Blanchet launched dBVibroAcoustics, a consulting company with focus NVH simulation and noise control in various industries and worldwide coverage. He recently launched dBPorous, a unique NVH database of acoustic and damping materials.